Finally the battle is over, and the concept has been accepted by TNO. TNO ? Yes, two classmates and me joined a battle of 'Battle of Concepts' (http://www.battleofconcepts.nl/) for the TNO battle...
According to TNO there are three media types; professional content, user generated content and archieves. And in their briefing they explained two types of media instruments; the television, and the pc with internet...
We did a lot of research and made some extrodinary sketches about mediaworld as it is today, and how internet (especially web2.0) is taking part (for others; going to take) in that, and offcourse how 'Sesame' our concept is the solution for this all. For Dutch speakers the document is downloadable at:

A (very) short English version of the Introduction:
The Media image as we see it today changed rapidly and the easyness is something that is important to people, because of that the intensity of the use of internet increases. Not only for information, but also shopping, administration and community building is getting a frequent habbit and is much more used than ever before. In 'The New Economy 2007' with results of the last years it is stated that it is getting more usual to call with the use of the internet, and reading news, watching television, listening to the radio is getting for a lot of people almost comprehensible.
We expect this to continue, and even increase exponential if the mass sees the easyness of accessing the internet for almost everything on high quality and portable devices. From the Apple iPhone users there were already 85% of the users accessing the internet in January 2008.
We see people going to do this more, mobile or locally, like sending emails instead of letters will be on your phone calling through the internet. With the use of these high technology devices people are also getting more handy, when you maybe first had a photo album you will bring a USB stick, or one step further on an online Operating System like Netvibes, Jooce, iGoogle, Windows and so on. This saves in space also, and you do not need a case or anything, only a screen with a connection would be enough. But not only people are getting more handy, also the devices, with this high technology they are even made (or not made) possible to connect to connect to other devices. Think of the automatic synchronisation of Apple Devices, but also on the unexpectedMicrosoft's XBOX with the Sony PSP.

Now it is up to us to let these devices connect with each other, on the most powerfull way, according to the briefing. Maybe there should not be another device but the software behind these devices. The technology is there but they are not connected with other devices optimally. How would it be if these devices which connects through wireless accespoints and mobile operators also could exploit the internet ? Like if they could spread the internet as well, functioning as a portal for the internet ? That every device would feel and understand other devices and automatically connect with each other ? Everywhere and All the time. Open Sesame.

The Concept under the name of 'Sesame' is currently taking part in the TNO Battle
awaiting for the results, in time i will try to translate :)