See also this pageEvaluation:
Making choices is probably one of the most hardest things in life. In the following text I will try to explain the following choices I had to make, and evaluate the concept development lessons in general ( I will try to give some good feedback) as well as reflecting on my personal learning goals which we made at the beginning.
At first I would like to start off with that I enjoyed the Friday morning specification Concept Development a lot, inspiring, exploring and growing all the time. The lessons given put me in order, reflected my beliefs, made me think twice, made me think different, put out my weaknesses, and I think most important; putting out my strong points; finding out, confronting and confirming what I’m good at, and what I would like to do.
Doing that, and reflecting those with my personal learning goals I have to admit I have on one hand severely lacked following my goals, on the other hand I made major improvements.
Firstly, I have to say that making more time for creativity comes, I guess, in phases. I know until where I can go, and now I think I can be creative in all kinds of ways, or at least putting my creativity in multiple things. Though this changed already while doing my internship in a foreign country, which obviously changed my perspective on things a lot. But I think this perspective has been broadened, even more important; made more of use now. For instance within brainstorm sessions I noticed I can think extremely ‘out of the box’ but also function as a great mediator, and afterwards reflecting neutrally. Setting up documents, giving structure, convincing and making other people enthusiastic, taking leadership, taking initiatives, empathic values, and looking for opportunities, are competencies that I believe has been improved a lot.
I know now that my strong points within this work field came from concept development, participating and guiding the beginning starting until the part where it comes in the hands of product realization. Open minded and idealistic, but also rational and realistic. Reflecting this personal goal negatively I can’t see I made ‘extra’ time. I think I can only make it more efficient, and using it in an other way. Which brings me to combining this with dealing with a handicap that I can see now is nothing more than my body telling me to spent my time differently.
Listening and Understanding is something I really worked on a lot, and to be completely honest I sometimes still lack in concentrating on people, though towards colleagues and clients I continuously try to evaluate and asses the team working, improving working with other people all the time.