Friday, March 27, 2009

Working 8 Hours Overtime

Today is the day. On 17:30 the doors of Hangar 36 will open for those who participate in 8UO *which stands for ' 8 uur overwerken'-translated working 8 hours overtime... *.
The alderman of culture and finance will open the event, followed by the foundations presenting their 'case'. The goal is to work 8 hours overtime (charity); Solving a problem where the foundation in question, is dealing with... Presentations afterwards are given in the night around 1/2 pm...
8UO is given now for the Third time in The Hague, and works alongside the Delft Centre for Entrepreneurship (TU Delft, university), and is a project of the ' Nieuwe Garde ' -New Guard (

The assignments are diverse into thinking of a commercial to whole promotional campaigns... participating foundations are amongst others; the red cross, the richard krajieck foundation, KNCV tuberculosis foundation, andPrinses Beatrix foundation.
For more information go to:
tags: #8UO #achtuuroverwerken #nieuwegarde #NG achteruuroverwerken acht uur overwerken 8uo 8UO nieuwe garde binck36 hangar36 binckhorstlaan

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Did You Know...