At first we had to introduce our selves and get encountered with the first things you noticed this week and getting the feel and meaning of this specialization of your study: “Tell me your name, your course or familiar job experiences past half year, a trend (current development you noticed), why you chose this minor and what is it that you expect of this minor.”
As I introduced myself and telling in a short sentence about my course in Mongolia the attention of people grew. My laptop at the time of travel was heavy and annoying and took away a lot of space and weight which is the reason I am looking for a new laptop. The development I suggested, or rather noticed was that of the latest version of a device which comes really close to the $100 dollar laptop mentioned earlier this year. This one is triple the price though, but still almost nothing.
This device from Asus weighs less than a kilo, runs on any required platform (as the standards can be adjusted) and is a little bit bigger than an Envelope (with a screen of 7 inch). The ideal for students, business presentations, travelers or in a school environment. Smart thinking as the name is as well EEE what stands for; Easy to learn, Easy to work and Easy to play. Intel has described the Eee PC as in line with its “World Ahead” marketing drive — which aims to provide anyone around the world a chance to own a PC...

Amongst professionals it is stated that the device is the first on the market of a All-in-One product, making the computer also possible for the lower groups (see the $100 laptop concept). The device –as I did not stated the device earlier- is not a laptop, as you may think, but more comparable with a portable DVD player with a lot of extra functions. An organizer with attitude.
Or should it have a nice name? Like Laptop is from Lap, because it’s on the top of your lap right ? Because the Desktop is on top of your desk… So uhm… HandTop ? ( Hmm… that would make an mp3 player a Fingertop than…) Yeah I like that. Handtop. Or TipTop… as we say in Holland when ‘it’s okay’ ?
The TipTop is slightly bigger than the sketchbook but smaller (and lighter) than an ordinary dictionary
So, tiptop in everybody’s head, we went over from the introduction of C&P-D to the assignments we are supposed to fulfill the next days, weeks, months. As we are human beings with ideas and concepts which we are faced with every day, every week, every month, until we die.
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