Last week assignment was to pick a brand and research it's identity, how does the brand express itself and how does their appearence shows up in their products. Not only in how their products contain their values from the company, but also how does the targetgroup understands those values.
Picking a brand out of a hundred (which is funny to do aswell; research yourself of how many brands do you know out of your head, and why can you?) I've came up with Chiquita. My Brand for 'Bananas' as it is for so many. But why is that? Why do I think of Chiquita when I think of Banana's?
Well at first you have to research the brand values, besides of having your own ideas of course, it is good to see how well their value's are expressed by themselves. Chiquita's values amazes me, especially because they seem to have other values on their corperate and national webspaces; in the Corperate they speak; "Integrity, Respect, Oppertunity and Responsability" though the Dutch website more aims at "Sustainability". You can see their Corperate values on their space aswell by the way.
But how does it feel for me? Well, my values, or more of thoughts is not like the impression what Chiquita tells to me on their informational corperate website. When I personally think of Chiquita, I'm more thinking of...
or to be serious:
Bananas! Exotic! Latin America!
Interesting, my own impression on the brand does not really correspond (except for the banana thing) with Chiquita. Going on to the last part of the assignment, to add a new product to their productgroup I researched Chiquita's products.
At first I was stunned by the fact Chiquita had more than only Bananes! Open Sesame! As well as the fact that they are doing a lot for locals and nature, so their "Sustainable" value comes forward here. Because of course; "when I want to buy Chiquita Bananes, I would want to be sure that they were delivered to me by 'trustable' company, right?".
On their Dutch space you can play (very cool) games, get recipes, find information and see their newest commercials. On their corperate website you can find their whole productline. But as well the 'Chiquita Shop'. And that is exactely the one I would like to pick up.
You would expect from a Chiquita Shop some really cool products which are in line with their Brand Values. But, no way Jose, the Chiquita shop really... is... desperately, a waste of time, tasting brick in an apple pie. Damn!
The same old boring products, a Chiquita T-Shirt, a Chiquita Umbrella, a Chiquita golfbal, a Chiquita Balloon and even more desperate; a Chiquita keyhanger... !
C'mon People! Is that the best you can do according to your own values, and proclaiming 'sustainability and being good for the environment' but selling easily plastic bags, balloons, useless keyhangers and 'non-recycled yellow paper (with a fullcolor chiquita print on it) ? How "responsible" is that ?!
So... coming to our last part of the assignment; giving shape to products according to the Brand. As I did not have 'sustainable' or 'healthy' (well partly) in my own brand interpretation, I worked out some possible Chiquita Products, according to my brand values;

The picture maybe isn't that great but I hope you get what I mean;
- Chiquita Hammock!
- Chiquita Condoms!
- Chiquita (summer) Clothing!
- Chiquita (summer) Slipper!
- Chiquita Helmet it seems, but I mean Chiquita Hats / Carnaval - Party Hats, like wouldn't it be cool if you could order those nice latin american party hats like in this movie:
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